Sunday, August 27, 2006

Random thoughts

It's durian season -- yay! I haven't had a decent durian in way too long. Oh and rambutans and mangosteens, too. I absolutely love mangosteens.

I met Rosie and some other friends for supper last night. She introduced me to this guy called Timothy who was here to conduct a week-long audio and music workshop. He looked at us and asked if we were sisters, and we both simultaneously said, "Best friends." That made me smile.

I saw The Lake House, and though it was slow at first and rather bizzare (I mean, c'mon, this woman is communicating with a guy from the past?), I enjoyed it immensely. I almost cried at the end.

I counted the books I've read over the past five months since I've been home and the total came to 23 books. I've never read so much before. I guess I've never had so much time before either. I just finished J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye. That is one of the most randomest books I've ever read! Can someone please tell me why it's considered one of the great American novels? I didn't get it. Now I'm reading Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen. I adore her.

My church is gonna have a new senior pastor, and I'm excited about that. We're gonna have to go through a time of readjusting and what not, but I think it's gonna be great. I can't wait to meet him this week!

Lish and I were talking about how Pres. Roberts is truly a teacher 'cause he can somehow say the same things every honor-code chapel every semester with the same gusto, like he's saying it for the first time. My favorite P. Rob quote is, "When God tells you to jump, you say how high on the way up." Oh we were in stitches. That man can be so hilarious, without meaning to of course.

I'm gonna attempt to exercise for the first time in two years this afternoon. I'm already dreading it. I dislike perspiring.

1 comment:

lightoftheworld said...

You would make Dr. ALlen proud by reading so many books:) That part was cute about u and ur best friend saying u were "best friends" at the same time:)